At WETC – the focus – is on WE – as in you & me
and the conversation we can have together.
This list of the people we love are those who are interested in collaboration and dialogue. It is a group of folx who have been subjugated and found their voice. They offer their talents as leaders to work with those who are privileged so those folx can learn to see the ways injustice has allowed us as people to miss connection to each other.
Also on this list are folx with privilege that we learn from and invest in self curiosity for change with a focus for justice for everyone.
We use an antiracist lens and value the work of Dr. Ken Hardy and Dr. Ibram X. Kendi and the exemplary path offered by adrienne maree brown. We also are humbled by the BIPOC thought leaders of the past such as James Baldwin & Audre Lorde. There are white people who also impact our work like Robin DiAngelo, Tema Okun and white leaders of the past like Anne Branden. From our work in trans and non-binary circles we learn from Trystan Reese and Jericho Brown among many others. That is only the famous folx- we are impacted by folx we have had as trainers for years at Wayside. What we want to say is the names listed here are a small group that is but a small percentage of changemakers. We invite you to build together a world where co-liberation is the only path forward.

Kenneth Hardy
Ibram X. Kendi
Robin DiAngelo
Tina Opie
Beth Livingston
Tanisha Thelamaque
Haus of Glitter
Omkari Williams
adrienne maree brown
Celeste Ng
Isabel Wilkerson
Rachel Ricketts
Austin Channing Brown
Trystan Reese
Jason Reynolds
Jeffery Marsh
Jericho Brown
Taj Smith
Rebecca Miner
Resmaa Menakem
Richie Reseda
Tema Okun
Claudia Rankine
Charlene A. Carruthers
Brittaney Cooper
Uju Asika
Liu Zongren
Audre Lorde
Brene Brown
James Baldwin
Jeanne Theoharis
Reni Eddo-Lodge
bell hooks
Debbie Irving